How often have you asked yourself:
banging your head against the wall, paying your “tuition” until you finally get it right. I’ve taken what I’ve learned and written a book just for you called …
Lucia’s Lessons of Love!
This is not your typical relationship book with long, drawn-out or complicated answers. I get to the point immediately and bottom line each answer in a fun, easy-to-read “Q & A” format. Think of it as the “cliff notes” for both men and women, to love, dating and relationships.
What you’ll learn from “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”:
- Why is it that whenever I like someone they don’t like me, and the ones I don’t like are crazy about me? (pg.27)
- What does, “I love you but I’m not in love with you” mean? (pg.58)
- Should you compliment a woman, especially an attractive woman, when you first meet her? Ignore my advice on this at your own peril. (pg.50)
- What do men want? No, it’s not sex. (although they want that too) (pg.38)
- Where is the most romantic place on earth? (you’ll be surprised) (pg.20)
- Does “the one” really exist? (pg.13)
- Do I have to play hard to get? (pg.48)
- How do I keep from getting discouraged with my love life? (pg.24)
- Why do I always attract the wrong people? (pg.26)
- What’s the fastest way to connect with someone? (Bill Clinton does it all the time) (pg.28)
- What does it mean when someone says they “need space“? (pg.63)
- What are the top three dating mistakes? (pg.31)
- What does it mean when a woman says “nothing” is wrong? Is it really true? You’ll stop a lot of fights by finding out the answer to this. (pg.66)
- When does a woman know if she wants to sleep with a man? (pg.34)
- What are the reasons men don’t ask a woman out? (even if they’re interested) (pg.41)
- Should women ask men out? (pg.42)
- Why do women date jerks? (You can blame biology for this) (pg.45)
- How do you “get” a man to marry you? (The answer is 2 simple words) (pg.54)
- What does it mean when someone says you’re “playing games“? (It’s a god thing!) (pg.62 )
- Why do men stop courting? (No, they’re not being jerks) (pg.40)
- and much, much more.
Here is an excerpt from “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”:
What does, “I don’t want a relationship” mean?
When someone says they don’t want a relationship, they’re leaving out two little words: with you. They’re not interested in you for the long term so they will use many excuses, including having been badly hurt in the past, not being over their ex or not wanting to be in a relationship. If someone is interested in you, they will rarely say, “I don’t want a relationship” because they know they’d be crazy to risk losing you.
Is it true absence makes the heart grow fonder?
That depends. If the other person has deep feelings for you, then yes, it’s true. On the other hand, it’s “Out of sight, out of mind” if you’re talking about someone you’ve just met or the interest is casual. Comte de Bussy-Rabnutin said it best with: Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great.
What does “friends with benefits” mean?
It means that you behave as a couple but without the benefit of monogamy and commitment. It should actually be called “friends without benefits” since this situation usually only “benefits” the man. Whether they are willing to acknowledge it or not, women aren’t wired to have sex without feelings; they generally want it to mean something. If women were meant to have sex like men, they would be greater consumers of porn. There would be just as many male porn stars as there are women and Harlequin romance novels would be out of business. To quote author Pat Allen, “When women give up their parts, they give up their hearts.”
Why do I always attract the wrong people?
The problem is not that you attract the wrong people, but that you continue to keep them in your life once they have shown you they’re not right for you. Time is a non-renewable resource. One it’s gone, it’s gone. Don’t waste it on people who don’t make your life better. When you decide to play big, you will no longer be interested in people that play small. Author M. Somerset Maugham said it best with, “It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”
What people around the world are saying about “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”:
WOW! I wish I knew these things when I was younger, it would’ve saved me a lot of heartache, grief, and timely pursuits. – Irene W.
Fancy college degrees and plaques don’t mean anything if the person hasn’t walked through the fire of their subject. Lucia has done that and more! A. Kelley
I couldn’t put it down and finished it the first night I received it. W. Waverly
Lucia is lucid, clear, opinionated (but not prejudiced against men), and sometimes funny. She should be teaching a college course. Alex McKnight
Your directness is refreshing. You don’t pull any punches, man-bash, or attempt to be politically correct, but instead give common-sense observations. – Sandy
This is the first time I’ve read dating advice from a woman who really understands men. Maybe that’s why you’re still single! LOL. – Joe
You always give the perfect answer. Do you have a team of writers? – Dina M.
Thanks for explaining something that has been making me crazy for years. This wasn’t even dissected this well in psych class! (Why women date jerks.) – Eclectic Enigma
It was like a gift from God having read all your articles. Thank you so much for helping relationships like this. I feel so confident. – Heidi
Your answers are first class. – Pasqual B.
I would like to thank you for your harsh but true words. It was a huge slap in the face. it made me face reality. – Heartbroken
You give insight into relationships that I’ve never read before. – A. Vann
Lucia, you are truly an expert! Amen to that! – Earl Stevens
Wow that is a different spin that I haven’t heard before. Thank you soooooo much. – JT
Boy, this is SOOOOOO TRUUUUUEEEEE?!!! – Marna
Good stuff Lucia…..seriously. You are right on target. – Mike U.
U seem very passionate about what you do (which means you don’t give a lot of bullsh*t advice like a lot of other so-called “experts”)…I may be young, but wish I had someone like you to walk me through my relationship screw ups. Just wanted to let you know you’ve got a fan for life. – Courtney
The points covered like the massage are so true and you don’t hear anyone talking about those little details in a relationship. – Nils
“Kissing has been my test of a good lover for years. I’ve told a million friends about it too, most of who didn’t believe me. Nice to have some confirmation finally. – Scott
I just read your definition of, “I love you but I’m not in love with you.” That statement helped me come to terms with what I recently went through. I guess I knew what it meant but I just needed to hear if from someone like yourself. – Tim
Your down-to-earth, straightforward, fun and honest words intrigued me further! – Wyatt
Amazing advice. You’re so smart. – Ula
Who am I?
I’m a dating/relationship/media expert with a syndicated column and host of “The Art of Love” on L.A. Talk Radio. I have numerous TV and radio credits including Dr. Phil, The Tyra Banks Show, E! Entertainment, 60 Minutes Australia, The CBS Early Show, Good Day L.A., Fox Sports Radio and Cosmo Radio. I have been interviewed by numerous magazines including Details and Allure.
I have over 20 years of experience, having dated men in 7 cities, 4 countries and 2 continents.
How did I get to where I am today?
I was born in a small village in the mountains of southern Italy. When I was 5 years old, my family moved to Canada where I received my education. At 18 I joined the army reserve as a truck driver (I tried the naval reserve first, but I got seasick). Up to this point, I’d only had the proverbial “one date” in high school, due to a strict Italian upbringing. It was during my time in the military that I had my first experiences with men and dating. The ratio of men to women was probably 15:1. Aah yes, the good old days..but I digress.
At 21 I moved back to Italy, settling in Milan. You’ve heard the stories about “Latin lovers“? I’m here to tell you, they’re true. I’m not surprised so many celebrities have dated/married Italian men. The list includes Ivana Trump, Drew Barrymore, Heidi Klum and Ashley Judd. There were plenty of hot, Italian men to choose from and I was like a kid in a candy store. This is where I had my first long-term relationship. It eventually led to a marriage proposal, which I turned down.
When I moved back to North America several years later, I thought I knew everything there was to know about men, love, dating and relationships. Yeah right! I found it to be more challenging than ever and I made almost every mistake you can think of, sometimes more than once.
I finally started to wake up after a challenging, 5 year relationship ended. I began to read every self-help book on the subject that I could find. I attended countless lectures by best-selling author and spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson and I received a certificate from The University of Science and Philosophy. I was determined to figure out what I was doing wrong.
As I continued to study the “art of love“, I found myself counseling my girlfriends. I drew from both my own dating experiences in which I had “been there, done that” and lived to tell about it as well as what I’d learned from all the reading I’d done. Their enthusiastic response to my advice started me on the path I’m on today.
It’s true what they say:
Experience is the best teacher but the tuition is very costly.
Luckily, you won’t have to waste years of your life banging your head against the wall, paying your “tuition” until you finally get it right. I’ve taken what I’ve learned and written a book titled, “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”. This is not your typical relationship book with long, drawn-out or complicated answers. I get to the point immediately and bottom line each answer in a fun, easy-to-read “Q & A” format. Think of it as the “cliff notes” or “love manual” for both men and women, to love, dating and relationships.
Why should you buy “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”?
Life coach Tony Robbins says:
“Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”
How would you feel if you finally had the answers to the questions you’ve been asking yourself for years? Do you think you would be more confident (a trait both men and women find very attractive in the opposite sex)? Would you walk a little taller on your next date, knowing that you have “inside information” most men or women will never know about?
Albert Einstein once said:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
Why not use the benefit of my wisdom and experience to stop doing the same thing over and over again when it is not bringing you the results you want? Love makes your life easier and that is what I want to do by sharing my knowledge with you.
Knowledge is power.
What is this knowledge worth to you? $99.00? $990.00? $9,900.00? Not even close!
It’s yours for just $14.95. That’s it!
Even if you’re already in a loving relationship, you probably have friends or loved ones who could benefit from the insight you’ll gain by reading “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”. It has something for everyone.
How can you get “Lucia’s Lessons of Love”?
“Okay Lucia,” you’re saying to yourself, “I can’t wait to read your book. Where can I go to buy it”? “Lucia’s Lessons of Love” is not available in bookstores. You don’t have to go anywhere or wait for it to arrive in the mail because it’s an e-book. You can download and begin reading it within minutes!
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I wish you the best.